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广东现代舞团乃中国第一个现代舞专业表演团体 , 于一九九二年由广东省文化厅批准正式成立。二零零四年实行体制改革,与香港城市当代舞蹈团合资成立广东星海现代舞蹈艺术有限公司,隶属广东星海演艺集团,负责经营广东现代舞团。



2012-03-28 17:35:20|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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    《是否·当中》今晚就要正式跟观众们见面了!在将要进行的两场预演场表演(3.28 & 3. 29)以及两场正场表演(3.30 & 3.31)的门票预订中,有三场的门票已经售罄,看来两位年轻“海归”编舞和他们的作品的确吸引了不少观众!紧接着在将要到来的4月1日愚人节,怎么可以没有广东现代舞团的节目陪你度过?并不是跟你开玩笑哦,4月1日真有一档“节目”让观众与编导们一起即兴,一起舞蹈!欢迎各位喜爱跳舞的朋友加入我们!



Improvisation Showcase by Dai Jian & Luo Fan

4月1日 15:00,广东现代舞团小剧场 Guangdong Modern Dance Company Small Theatre


Anyone is interested to join the improvisation, please dress in relevant clothing. Thank you for your cooperation.


“ 12年吧!12年我们在各自的命运中成长,我们经历着不同的生活,环境,思维变化......唯一相同的是舞蹈还吸引着我,我们都选择了留下来继续存在于舞蹈中。共同点是否是缘分中不可忽视的因素呢?更有意思的是这次还莫名的遇到了来自日本的即兴舞蹈家Yangjah,美国即兴音乐家Jerry,法国的小波,哈一定好玩”。 ----戴剑。



羅凡Luo Fan戴剑+罗凡,别过十一年,即兴喜相逢  Improvisation Showcase by Dai Jian  Luo Fan - gmdc广现 - 廣東現代舞團 博客
舞者 /編舞Choreographer/Dancer 


Born in Hunan, Luo Fan began studying Chinese dance professionally in 1994. He was awarded a scholarship in 2001 to study modern dance at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. In 2003, Luo was awarded the Asian Cultural Council Scholarship and received modern dance training and participated in dance festivals in the US. He joined CCDC in the same year. Luo was awarded the 1st Place and Excellence Award in Division of Modern Professional Soloists in International Dance Competition in Greece in 2007 and received a special scholarship to the US. In 2009, he was awarded Hong Kong Dance Award for his outstanding performance in Out Of The Box and No End.




戴剑 Dai Jian

戴剑+罗凡,别过十一年,即兴喜相逢 - gmdc广现 - 廣東現代舞團 博客


戴剑以舞者的身份曾于多个国际性艺术节中演出,包括美国雅各枕头舞蹈节、美国舞蹈节、爱尔兰国际舞蹈节等。 除了演出外,戴剑也进行独立编舞创作,探索多元文化及跨媒体艺术组合的可能性。他曾先后与影像艺术家卡特里娜·麦克弗森合作制作记录片《自然之力》、与视觉艺术家克茵贝莉·梅翰合作舞蹈装置艺术《电抗》、与摄影家姚铿合作摄影舞蹈展览《少摄多影》等。
     Dai Jian was born and raised in Hunan Province, China, and began his dance training at the Guangzhou Arts School in 1993. In the year 2004, he graduated from the Beijing Dance Academy (Modern Dance program) and received a scholarship from the Asian Cultural Council (USA) to attend the American Dance Festival. He was invited to join Shen Wei Dance Company in New York in 2005, and has been dancing for the Trisha Brown Dance Company (USA) since 2008.

As a dancer, Dai Jian has appeared in many international dance festivals, including Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival, American Dance Festival, Ireland International Dance Festival.

 Dai Jian also works independently as a choreographer and explores the possibility of multi-disciplinary work of arts. He has collaborated with video artist Katrina McPherson on a documentary film “Force of Nature”, with visual artist Kimberly Mayhorn on a dance and installation project “Reactance”, with photographer Yao Heng on a Photo-dance exhibition “Less Pictures, More Images”.

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